Zenas Sirius Zelotes – Divorce Shark

Ever Feel Like Your Attorney is Working for the Other Side? 

Far too many family lawyers lack the skill and confidence necessary to take a high-conflict divorce case to trial – and the few that do all too often fail to properly prepare.

When that happens, these lawyers aggressively pressure their clients to settle – even if it’s not in their best interests to do so. 

There is a reason 97% of cases settle – and it’s not everyone is fair and reasonable. 

It’s because their lawyers are weak and timid – it’s because settlement is safe and easy – it’s because the lawyer lacks the fighting spirit to step into the ring – and fight for what you deserve.      

Not here. 

If you’re divorcing an arrogant narcissist … a combative sociopath … or some other pathological problem-child … and have lost faith in the attorney representing you – call my office and request a complementary consultation. 

Trial substitutions are what I do best – and the most common reason I’m hired.

To mop up the mess your first lawyer created …

And instantly change the dynamic.

Your days of getting pushed around are over. The client who hires me comes ready to fight.

Divorce Shark Billboard – Interstate 95 – Bridgeport
Zenas Sirius Zelotes – Inside Edition
Divorce Shark Billboard – Interstate 95 – Fairfield

Divorcing a Narcissist – 10 Things You Need to Know

How Good People Get Screwed in Divorce Mediation

Does it Matter Who Files for Divorce First?


Fighting a Bad Faith Restraining Order

Firing Your Divorce Lawyer on the Eve of Trial


Adultery – The Most Expensive Mistake You Can Make

“The Day I Hired Attorney Zelotes …

I was an accomplished business owner with over 20 years experience in the corporate sector, and hired several high-profile divorce lawyers.  

For the first time, I felt I was safe and in good hands. 

Zenas was an extraordinary advocate. He prepared like no other and performed brilliantly, showcasing unconventional trail strategies that wowed the judges and even the “Barracuda” representing my ex-husband. 

While waiting outside the courtroom, I was approached on more than one occasion with observations about my attorney and his remarkable courtroom manner.  Everyone who observed him was in awe. 

Today I am a free woman unencumbered by the destruction of my former existence and the mismanagement of others.  I owe this rebirth to my attorney, my wise and trusted counselor.  At all times he demonstrated integrity, trust, and the true meaning of professionalism.  I would not only recommend him and his amazing talents, but would climb the highest mountain and shout his name for all to hear: Attorney Zenas Zelotes!
Kimberly Virgili